Reducing Food Miles with Bloomkubes Urban Farming

Reducing Food Miles with Bloomkubes Urban Farming

The transportation of food is the single largest energy user in the food system, an is responsible for 3.5% of the UK’s total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The concept of ‘food miles’ resonates with shoppers and businesses: 34% of shoppers gave reducing food miles as a main reason to buy local food and numerous food web businesses cited it as an advantage of local food linked to lower transport costs, freshness of produce and less pollution.

Food miles indicate closer connection to food provenance as much as distance travelled and are a main factor in food buying decisions as sustainability becomes the main buzz word for 2020.

Bloomkubes offer a zero food miles solution to chefs harvesting microgreens and micro herbs on site, in front of the customer, telling the sustainable story in front of their eyes.  There’s nothing better that seeing where food comes from and this kind of ‘theatre’ is a great addition to the front of house of any restaurant.


The scale of environmental challenges can prevent people believing they can make a difference. The concept of food miles helps shoppers to change their habits in a meaningful, intuitive way, and should be built on to convey the wider environmental benefits of local food.

There also so many other environmental benefits:

  • ‘locally-sourced’ goes hand in hand with seasonal food and reinforces an understanding of seasonality; it helps people to buy food that needs less energy to produce
  • local food requires less packaging than food needing protection during long-distance journeys
  • locally-produced food supports the viability of independent outlets which keep buildings in use; especially in historic market towns this maintains character, individuality and sensitive scale of use

Typically, most of us are eating produce from supermarkets that has travelled thousands of miles from its source. Not only does the increase in food miles generate harmful emissions, but the greens arrive well beyond peak freshness. Local food represents an alternative.


If you’re a chef or enthusiastic home cook who tries wherever possible, to cook and eat locally sourced foods, you might label yourself as a ‘locavore’. This doesn’t seem to be just a fad. It’s a trend which is firmly on the rise. Locavores only eat food that has been sustainably sourced from within a certain radius, such as within 50, 100 or 150 miles, and there is an emphasis on buying from local farmers’ markets as well as growing your own. The movement naturally leads to a cut down on food miles, which in turn helps to reduce harmful CO2 emissions.

Chefs Choose Bloomkubes!

At Bloomkubes, our ‘Kube’ is a sleek, state of the art, self-contained growing appliance that produce highly nutritious and flavoursome microgreens, herbs and greens of your choice. It is more than a convenient, useful appliance. It is a genuine farm-to-fork concept, offering a truly fresh experience.

With Bloomkubes you can demonstrate your commitment and join the ‘locavore’ movement. You will also be able to cut down on unnecessary waste and harvest what you need, when you need it, and let the rest continue to grow.

All operations related to the plant growing cycle are scripted, fully automated and monitored remotely.

All our plants are grown without soil, completely isolated from diseases or insect pests. No weeding or special monitoring is needed. As a result, average yields are greater due to a scripted water supply, a proper lighting spectre (mimicking the amount of sunlight required) and efficient use of nutrients.

Get in touch!

Let’s go the distance together and reduce your food miles to zero! Get in touch…..


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